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How to cut employee train travel costs

Train travel, to enable employees to get where they need to be at the right time, can be expensive.

Here’s how to cut your business rail travel costs.

Is your travel policy clear?

Your traveler may be buying expensive rail tickets simply because they’re not aware they can avoid this.

To begin with, check your employee travel policy and ensure it makes it clear, what can be booked.
And if you need any advice on the wording, arrangeMY can help.

Tickets yes – but only with permission

As a part of the above travel policy, does your organisation operate a system where employees are required to gain approval for purchasing a rail ticket in advance?
If not (and this can easily be done) add in an internal request process.

Book well in advance

Generally, the earlier a rail ticket can be booked in advance, the cheaper it will be.

Go off-peak if possible

Off-peak rail travel is of course, always cheaper than premium travel (premium travel is typically just before and after 9am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday working day).

Costs can be saved significantly therefore if business meetings can be arranged to enable the traveler to benefit from off-peak prices.

Keep return options open 

It can be very cost-effective for your traveler to buy a set time outbound ticket but with flexible return times included. 

Most return tickets allow good flexibility, in terms of the train that can be used.

Saver season tickets

Buying a season ticket (rather than ad-hoc tickets) can also bring significant savings for travelers that often take the same journey.

Cost-effective Carnets

Also, for travellers using regular mainline station routes, Carnet ticketing can be more cost-effective.

With these, we are finding a 10% saving.

If you’re not familiar with Carnet tickets, arrangeMY can explain.

Get them on board

The more your people understand how making small changes to the way they book their train travel will benefit the organisation they work for, the more they’ll change how they do this.

It is therefore worth investing in systems and time to facilitate this.

arrangeMY can help

arrangeMY supports all types of professional organisations with a contracted travel, accommodation and venue finding solution.

It is a 24/7 ‘all in one place and all taken care of’ service. 

To find out more call our highly experienced team on 01905 610016 or ping an email to – quoting Rail Advice


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