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Timing is key to saving you money when booking an event

India has been working with us for 2 years and has some advice on choosing the right day of the week for your meeting or conference.

“When booking meetings and events, significant savings can be made simply by choosing a certain day of the week. Many corporate hotels will more often than not fill their conference rooms and bedrooms on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s, resulting in higher rates.

By booking a conference or meeting on a Monday, Thursday, or even a Friday, there is a much stronger chance that we can not only negotiate lower rates, but also a higher degree of flexibility with terms and conditions. Our research has shown that we save our clients a minimum of 20% in savings when they choose days other than Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s.

Many of our clients that undertake training programmes often need to book two day courses which involve overnight accommodation, so a popular schedule is to book courses that start on a Thursday morning and run through until early afternoon on a Friday. This enables them to benefit from the lower rates but allows delegates time on a Friday afternoon to get home and avoid peak travel times. This also ensures that employees are not out of the business on key workdays.

During the last ten years, hotels and venues have become increasingly flexible with offers for meetings and conferences that fit with their diaries and availability. If you would like to discuss this in more detail then please contact your Account Manager or one of our experts in the venue finding team.

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